Friday, June 4, 2010


After 366 days of daily drawing, I proclaim this project over.

A year of at least one drawing a day. This started out simply as a way to keep myself going artistically, but really turned into a visual diary of sorts. Looking back at the drawings, I can remember where I was, what I was doing, and why I chose to draw that particular thing (sometimes it was relevant to the day...other times, completely random)

Thanks to everyone who watched me and put up with my non-existent updating schedule.

I'll be starting a new year long project at , just as soon as I figure out what that is...any suggestions? Also, I have been doing art other than just the sketches, they are posted at



  1. It is incredible you did that for a whole year.
    That really deserves some applause!

  2. Thanks! It really was a rewarding and interesting experience.
